Paseda360 is taking a different approach to coach training, so even experienced coaches take value from investing in us.


As a coach, you cannot afford to work solely on your client’s present and future because your client’s full potential relies on looking back at the past.

In this free bitesize training, Paseda360 founder, Angela Cox will teach you how the brain is set up to trip you up on your way to fulfilling your potential and what needs to happen to stop tripping.

Join Angela for this FREE and FUN video, and in less than 20-minutes you’ll learn:

  • The three parts of the brain that play a role in processing your sensory experience.

  • Which part of the brain is responsible for the trip and why.

  • How to prevent the trip from happening.

Get access to the video here!

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Transforming Lives & Building A Sustainable Coaching Business?

Today’s high performers, business owners and executives want transformational change, and you can be the person to help them achieve it as a Paseda360 Practitioner